It seems that energy conservation has been becoming very serious matters for the business community in Japan. Mr. Yutaka Ikeda, GM Planning & Coordination, then handed over to us a 5-page paper from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry - METI (whom CICI report to) : Green IT Initiative in Japan. This whitepaper is quite neat, addressing a framework to halving global (CO2) emissions by 2050. As a follow up of Kyoto Protocol and Heiligendamn Summit, Japan establishes US$ 10 billion fund to support developing countires with Cool Eart Partnership program, and will be investing US$ 30 billion in R & D in the environment and energy sectors over the next 5 years.
Radically going green for IT is still posing some challenges for some to take bold actions, yet opportunity are widely open. Replacing reliable IT infrastructure today with new stuffs just for going green is of great concerns. Nevertheless, there are now available to offer an array of green IT solution: wind-powered data centers, dynamic power management software to shut off power in semiconductor chips until it's needed,...
On the other side, effectively (strategically ?) using IT for minimizing energy consumption is quite real and can be expanded to contribute more. When things go virtual on daily busines practices, physical undertaking can be minimized to save energy. On-line net meetings and video conferencing facility saves people from travel, freeing from a chain of energy consumption for physical transportation. Intel uses heat recovery chillers, in its new development center building in Israel, to recover waste heat from data centers and other equipment to heat the building in winter and to provide hot water for the bathrooms and kitchens year-round. The system eliminates the need for energy-consuming gas or fuel-oil boilers and reduces CO2 and NO emission. Intel claims, in its Premier IT Magazine (Summer 2008), to save around US$ 235,000 annually due to reduced fuel consumption.
Green IT iniative should be fairly adopted by IT shop, especially those big ones managed in big organizations. Not only that it reduce energy consumption by and potential hazardous waste from IT equipment. It could be creatively taken into a next level of strategic function for maximixing its use for helping business to reduce pressure to environment and optimize energy efficiency. There might be some costs incurred in the beginning. Managed smartly, it could at the end contribute to the positive impact of the bottom line.
So, how green are you ? Green business shall be good business. Or as some are starting to say, green is beautiful.
1 comment:
I believe green is beautiful just like you sir. Optimization & tweaks are always make differences. But wait ?, we forget the reason why ?, well I know I'm not good in Energy Business but just to make analogy with my old PC, it is contain core duo processor with 1 GB memory and some standard office application + programming tools, so here we go....
It is true start up applications, services applications, windows themes, they were consuming my PC resources. The main reason to disable unnecessary app to get some performance optimization is not the only reason, in my case I need to make standby/idle resources as many as possible to keep situation from out of it, specially when I need to compile big application that I didn't expect to see any ugly out of resources error :)
Somehow, the situation goes becoming dull, I'm starting to get bored with standard skin, missing my side-bar, and I want to have some fun by turning animation slide-in/slide-on flip-off/flip-on and realize "why I should disable something that I enjoy ?", then I start realize if the problem is not merely on resource availability, but ERA.
Yep......, my PC is not keep up with "New Era" application.
Usually we blame something or someone problem with old fashion page, and people who start to jump out of page obviously understand why the problem keep happened all the time, in my case : "why the optimization and tweaks are not working anymore or just not *fit in* on my PC ?"
Just to make deals with energy, if there were always problem happened and keep happen, maybe the page is running out, we should start to open another ;)
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